Golf Session
Two for One? Value of Fungicides Targeting Soilborne Pathogens for Foliar Disease Control on Golf Putting Greens
Preventive applications are made to putting greens to protect roots from soilborne diseases such as fairy ring, take-all patch, and summer patch...
Locating the Elusive Lance – Nematode Population Dynamics on Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens
Understanding the biology and behavior of turfgrass pests is fundamental to delivering controls at the right place and time for maximum efficacy...
Will Zoysiagrass be the Next “Big Thing” for Putting Greens in the Transition Zone?
Although not historically used on golf course putting greens in the United States, several newly released cultivars of zoysiagrass have the potential...
Are Turfgrasses Struggling to Take a Breath?
Eric DeBoer discusses his doctoral research investigating the effects of oxygenated irrigation water on the growth of sand-based creeping bentgrass putting green...
Wetting Agents: Making Water, Wetter
Daniel O’Brien will talk about ongoing wetting agent research at the University of Arkansas focusing on measurable differences between commercially available products...
Improving Water Retention in Hydrophobic Soil
Soil hydrophobicity, or soil water repellency, is a common issue for many soil types and especially a problem for sand-based putting greens...
A Sheet vs a Down-Filled Comforter? Which will Keep My Putting Green Warmer?
Winterkill remains a constant concern for golf courses that manage ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens in the transition zone...
General Session
Yellow Nutsedge: Why, How and What to Do
Yellow nutsedge remains a difficult-to-control weed for many turf areas. As a perennial plant species, it spreads primarily by underground rhizomes and tubers...
What Can Early Fungicide Apps Do for You? Brown Patch on Tall Fescue Control at Various Application Timings
Brown patch caused by Rhizoctonia solani is the most prominent disease on tall fescue lawns.,,
Large Patch – the Spring Fever that You Do Not Look Forward to…
Mike Richardson will provide an overview of the disease, large patch, which affects most warm-season turfgrass in Arkansas and the surrounding region...
When to Fire to Stop the Fire? Impact of Spring-Applied Fungicides and Carrier Volume on Large Patch Control
Like a brown patch on tall fescue, the large patch is the most important disease on zoysiagrass used on lawns and golf course fairways...
Some Grasses are Thirstier Than Others
This specific talk will be regarding the TWCA Kentucky Bluegrass trial including structure description, irrigation practices, and preliminary results...
Discovering the World of Hunting Billbugs
Billbugs are tiny, nocturnal weevils and both the adults and larvae can cause damage to turf...
Going Native: Should Local Seed be Used in Prairie Restorations?
Master's student Rhiannon de la Rosa discusses the beginnings of her research into the importance of seed sourcing, especially in Arkansan tallgrass prairies...