Arkansas Flavor Analysis Conference


December 9, 2022
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. CST


Don Tyson Center for Agricultural Sciences
Waldrip Hall
1371 W. Altheimer Drive
Fayetteville, AR 72704


Registration is $30. University of Arkansas faculty, staff and students can register for $15. Deadline is Dec. 2.

Instrumental analysis is an essential tool for quality control and research and development in food and beverage applications. Speakers representing academic research and industry will present a variety of topics on the introduction and application of instrumental analysis in food and beverage systems at the Arkansas Flavor Analysis Conference on Dec. 9.

A panel of scientists and industry professionals will highlight how we can harness flavor analysis technology to optimize the quality of  foods and beverages by directly linking chemistry to flavor.

The conference will begin at 9 a.m. in Waldrip Hall of the Don Tyson Center for Agricultural Sciences, at 1371 W. Altheimer Drive, Fayetteville, Arkansas, at the Milo J. Shult Agricultural Research and Extension Center. Registration is $30 and includes lunch and coffee. University of Arkansas faculty, staff and students can register for $15.

Attendees can register to attend the conference virtually. When completing the registration form, please select the virtual attendance option. A Zoom link will be provided prior to the event.

The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution. If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate or need materials in another format, please contact Scott Lafontaine at, as soon as possible.

8:45-9:20 a.m.


9:20-9:25 a.m.

Opening Address

Dr. Scott Lafontaine

Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas System

9:25-9:40 a.m.


Dr. Jean-Francois Meullenet

Director, Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station and Interim Dean, Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences

Dr. Jeyam Subbiah

Food Science Department Head, University of Arkansas System

9:40-10:25 a.m.

Introduction GCMS, MS/MS and GCO and applications in the food and beverage industry

Dr. Erich Leitner

Professor, Graz University of Technology

10:25-11:10 a.m.

Different aroma profiling quantification strategies — the basics of method development

Dr. Erich Leitner

Professor, Graz University of Technology

11:10-11:40 a.m.

Coffee Break

11:40 a.m. – 12:25 p.m.

What can you measure and what is important to measure? Detection of positive and off flavors

Dr. Erich Leitner

Professor, Graz University of Technology

12:25-1:25 p.m.


1:25-2:10 p.m.

Analytical applications for flavor analysis

Jonathon Smith

Technical Support Scientist, Shimadzu

2:10-2:40 p.m.

Hops and rice — Volatile profile and sensory

Bernardo Guimaraes

Ph.D. Student, Spring 2023, University of Arkansas System

2:40-3:10 p.m.

Identifying chemical and flavor indicators of consumer preference towards nonalcoholic beer flavor

Dr. Scott Lafontaine

Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas System

3:10-3:40 p.m.

Coffee Break

3:40-4:10 p.m.

Using comprehensive chromatography to better understand chocolate flavor

Aaron M. Wiedemer

Ph.D. Student, The Ohio State University

4:10-4:40 p.m.

Volatile and sensory attributes of muscadine grapes

Jordan Chenier

Ph.D. Student, University of Arkansas System

4:40-5:10 p.m.

Volatile and sensory attributes of blackberries

Dr. Renee Threlfall

Research Scientist, University of Arkansas System

5:10-5:40 p.m.

Open Discussion

5:40 p.m.

Wrap up

This is event is sponsored by

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