Plant Production
Delayed Strawberry Planting in the Fall Impacts Spring Returns
Strawberry growers in Arkansas know that planting strawberries in the fall will yield a robust crop the following spring. But sometimes growers have to delay planting when the soil is too wet for ground preparation…
Study on Pyrethroid Resistance in Tomato Fruitworm Develops New Recommendations
The tomato fruitworm, the caterpillar of the Helicoverpa zea moth, has become resistant in Arkansas to insecticides containing pyrethroids as the active ingredient. Resistance has built up over decades of use in Arkansas…
Study Shows Cover Crops can Improve Yield in Soybeans
Once just a rotation crop for cotton and corn, soybeans have become the state’s dominant cash crop, worth nearly $1.2 billion in 2019, according to the 2021 Arkansas Agriculture Profile.
Cover Crop Study Shows Potential to Limit Taproot Decline Disease in Soybeans
Xylaria necrophora, a pathogenic fungus sometimes called “Dean Man’s Fingers,” has the potential to inflict substantial damage to soybean plants as the causal agent of taproot decline disease.
Fruit Research Station Study Shows Promise for Hops in Arkansas
Arkansas’ craft beer brewing industry has shown exponential growth in recent years. The number of licensed breweries in Arkansas has increased from six in 2011 to 43 in 2020, according to The Brewers Association, a nationa…
Rotating Cross-Arm Trellis Offers Improved Yields, Quality for Blackberries
The Rotating Cross-Arm (RCA) trellis offers an alternative way to grow blackberries, with the ability to rotate the canes, and train along a narrow trellis. The trellis can be rotated so that all fruit is on one side of the trellis in the shade…
Managing Potassium and Maximizing Profitability in Arkansas Soybeans
Soybean is one of Arkansas’ largest commodities. In 2018, 3.24 million acres of soybean were harvested. With about three million acres of soybean planted every year, Arkansas soybean producers need tools to maximize the production…
Soybean Response to Dicamba in Irrigation Water under Controlled Environmental Conditions
While crop damage from drift of auxin herbicides such as dicamba has received a lot of attention, there isn’t much information about what might happen if a susceptible plant absorbs those herbicides ….
Sustainable Control for Soybean Vein Necrosis
Vein necrosis is the most widespread soybean virus disease in North America during hot, dry summers. Soybean vein necrosis virus, or SVNV, reduces seed oil content and is seed-borne, affecting international movement of seed…