2024 Southern Soybean Breeders Tour
In line with the tradition of previous years, the University of Arkansas and the University of Missouri (FDREEC) soybean breeding programs invite you to join us on September 3-5 in Memphis, TN for the 2024 Southern Soybean Breeders Tour. This year’s event will focus on the challenges and opportunities in soybean breeding in the US mid-South. Expect a diverse lineup of speakers covering topics such as soybean genetics, agronomy, pathology, and weed management, as well as other crop programs such as rice and cotton.
The Guest House at Graceland
3600 Elvis Presley Blvd,
Memphis, TN 38116
Please see the agenda for detailed schedule
Registration Fee: $250
Register Now
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
4:00 – 7:00 p.m. |
Registration at Guest House at Graceland |
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
7:10 a.m. |
Departure to Nutrien Ag Solutions |
7:30 a.m. |
Presentation/Tour at Nutrien Ag SolutionsDr. Innan Cervantes (Nutrien Ag Solutions) |
8:45 a.m. |
Departure to Rice Research & Extension Center (RREC) |
11:00 a.m. |
Presentations at RREC |
Mid-south Soybean Production: Prospective from a Southern Soybean Agronomist– Dr. Jeremy Ross (UADA) Impactful Soybean Diseases and Nematodes of the Mid-Southern US– Dr. Travis Faske (UADA) Weed Management Issues in Mid-South Crops– Dr. Jason Norsworthy (UADA) |
12:00 p.m. |
Lunch |
1:00 p.m. |
Field Tour at RRECRice Breeding at the University of Arkansas– Dr. Stan Guzman / Dr. Xueyan Sha (UADA) Overview of the University of Arkansas Foundation Seed Program– John Carlin (UADA) Soybean Breeding – Flood Tolerance– Dr. Chengjun Wu / Derrick Harrison (UADA) Soybean Breeding at the University of Arkansas– Dr. Caio Vieira (UADA) |
3:00 p.m. |
Departure to Guest House at Graceland |
5:30 p.m. |
Social Event |
6:30 PM |
Dinner |
8:00 PM |
Graduate Students Social Event |
Thursday, September 5, 2024
7:00 a.m. |
Departure to Rone Hall |
9:00 a.m. |
Field Tour at Lee Farm |
Identification and Confirmation of Natural Tolerance to Off-Target Dicamba Damage in Non-Xtend Soybeans– Dr. Feng Lin (MU Delta Center) Monitoring Soil Moisture for Drought-Resilient Soybeans– Dr. Francia Ravelombola (MU Delta Center) Moving Forward with Planting Dates and Shorter Maturing Soybeans– Dr. Justin Calhoun (MU FD-REEC) Management of Insect Pests in Soybeans– Dr. Chase Floyd (MU FD-REEC) Furrow-Irrigated Rice and Its Positive Impact on the Rice/Soybean Rotation– Dr. Justin Chlapecka (MU FD-REEC) Cotton PGR Effects on Late Maturing Cotton Varieties in a Short Season Environment– Dr. Bradley Wilson (MU FD-REEC) |
11:30 a.m. |
LunchLunch Presentation– Dr. Shibu Jose (MU FD-REEC) Online – Dr. Heike Buecking (MU FD-REEC) Online Research Updates from Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council– Dr. Blake Barlow (MSMC) Fisher Delta Research, Extension, and Education Center, an Overview– Aaron Brandt (MU FD-REEC) |
12:30 p.m. |
Presentations at Rone HallAccelerating Breeding, Enhancing Resistance, and Increasing Yield of Soybean by Monitoring and Improving Photosynthesis– Dr. Ru Zhang (Danforth Plant Science Center) Assessing Soybean Resistance to Diseases and Nematodes in the FD-REEC Soybean Breeding Program– Dr. Jessica Argenta (MU FD-REEC) Breeding Strategies for Improvement of Soybean Seed Composition through Conventional and Molecular Breeding– Dr. Cheryl Adeva (MU FD-REEC) Unlocking Genetic Potential: Exploring Photosynthetic Efficiency Variation and its Impact on Soybean Yield– Harmeet Singh (MU FD-REEC) Closing Remarks– Dr. Feng Lin (MU FD-REEC) / Dr. Caio Vieira (UADA) |
1:30 p.m. |
Departure to Guest House at Graceland |
Speakers for Wednesday, September 4th
Innan Cervantes-Bouscher, Ph.D.
Soybean Breeder
Nutrien Ag Solutions
Topic: TBD
Xueyan Sha, Ph.D.
Professor of Plant Rice and Genetics
University of Arkansas
Topic: Rice Breeding at the University of Arkansas
Jeremy Ross, Ph.D.
Professor & Soybean Extension Agronomist
University of Arkansas
Topic: Mid-south Soybean Production: Prospective from a Southern Soybean Agronomist
John Carlin
Director of Experiment Stations
University of Arkansas
Topic: Overview of the University of Arkansas Foundation Seed Program
Travis Faske, Ph.D.
Professor & Extension Plant Pathologist
University of Arkansas
Topic: Impactful Soybean Diseases and Nematodes of the Mid-Southern US
Chengjun Wu, Ph.D.
Progam Associate II – Abiotic Stress & Specialty Soybean
University of Arkansas
Topic: Soybean Breeding- Flood

Distinguished Professor & Elms Farming Chair of Weed Science
University of Arkansas
Topic: Weed Management Issues in Mid-south Crops
Derrick Jerome Harrison, M.S.
Program Associate I
University of Arkansas
Topic: Soybean Breeding- Flood
Christian Torres De Guzman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Rice Breeding and Genetics
University of Arkansas
Topic: Rice Breeding at the University of Arkansas
Caio Canella Vieira, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Arkansas
Topic: Southern Uniform Soybean Tests (UT/UP)
Speakers for Thursday, September 5th
Feng Lin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Missouri
Topic: Identification and Confirmation of Natural Tolerance to Off-Target
Dicamba Damage in Non-Xtend Soybeans
Justin Chlapecka, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor & State Extension Rice Specialist
University of Missouri
Topic: Furrow-Irrigated Rice and its Positive Impact on the Rice/Soybean Rotation
Francia Seconde Ravelombola, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
University of Missouri
Topic: Monitoring Soil Moisture for Drought-Resilient Soybeans
Chase Floyd, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor & State Extension Crop Protection Specialist
University of Missouri
Topic: Management of Insect Pests in Soybeans
Ru Zhang, Ph.D.
Associate Member
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Topic: Accelerating Breeding, Enhancing Resistance, and Increasing Yield of Soybean by Monitoring and Improving Photosynthesis
Bradley Wilson, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor
University of Missouri
Topic: Cotton PGR Effects on Late Maturing Cotton Varieties in a Short Season Environment
Justin Calhoun, Ph.D.
Assistant Extension Professor & State Extension Soil and Cropping System Specialist
University of Missouri
Topic: Moving Forward with Planting Dates and Shorter Maturing Soybeans
Aaron Brandt
Director, T.E. “Jake” Fisher Delta Research, extension, and Education Center
University of Missouri
Topic: Fisher Delta, Research, Extension, and Education Center, an Overview
Jessica Argenta, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
University of Missouri
Topic: Assessing Soybean Resistance to Diseases and Nematodes in the FD-REEC
Soybean Breeding Program
Eric Oseland, Ph.D.
Director of Agronomy and Research
Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council
Topic: Research Updates from Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council
Cheryl Adeva, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
University of Missouri
Topic: Breeding Strategies for Improvement of Soybean Seed Composition through Conventional and Molecular Breeding
Heike Buecking, Ph.D.
Division Director, Division of Plant Science and Technology
University of Missouri
Topic: TBD
Harmeet Singh
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Missouri
Topic: Unlocking Genetic Potential: Exploring Photosynthetic Efficiency Variation and its Impact on Soybean Yield
Shibu Jose, Ph.D
Director, Agricultural Experiment Station
University of Missouri
Topic: TBD
Organizing Co-Chairs
Feng Lin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Missouri
Caio Canella Vieira, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Arkansas
Agenda Committee
Liliana Florez-Palacios, Ph.D.
Program Associate II – Nursery Operations
University of Arkansas
Michael Clubb
Research Specialist Lead
University of Missouri
Communication and Registration Committee
Francia Seconde Ravelombola, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
University of Missouri
Jessica Argenta, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
University of Missouri
Cheryl Adeva, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
University of Missouri
Daniel Rogers
Program Technician II – Purity Operations
University of Arkansas
Rafael Goncalves Marmo
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Arkansas

Jonathan David Mendoza Garcia
Visiting Scholar
University of Arkansas
Accommodation and Transportation Committee
Destiny Hunt
Senior Research Associate
University of Missouri
Brenton Carter
Research Specialist II
University of Missouri
Mckayla Burris
Research Specialist University of Missouri
Andrea Acuna-Galindo, Ph.D.
Program Associate II – Molecular Laboratory Operations
University of Arkansas
Derrick Jerome Harrison, M.S.
Program Associate I
University of Arkansas
Contact Information
• General Questions
Caio Canella Vieira
University of Arkansas
caioc@uark.edu | 479-575-6045
Feng Lin
University of Missouri
flbn7@missouri.edu | 517-708-9744
• Accommodation and Transportation
Derrick Harrison
University of Arkansas
derrickh@uark.edu | 479-387-5905
Destiny Hunt
University of Missouri
ayersde@missouri.edu | 573-922-8189
• Communication and Registration
Rafael Marmo
University of Arkansas
rafaelg@uark.edu | 479-249-3529
Francia Ravelombola
University of Missouri
srnmv@missouri.edu | 479-316-1060
• Agenda
Liliana Florez-Palacios
University of Arkansas
sandrafp@uark.edu | 479-236-3233
About the University of Arkansas Soybean Breeding Program
The Arkansas Soybean Breeding Program develops and releases conventional and herbicide-resistant soybean cultivars tailored to the needs of Arkansas growers. Our activities include the development of high-yielding commodity and specialty soybean varieties, conducting research on genetic tolerance to yield-limiting biotic and abiotic stressors, improved seed composition, and novel breeding methodologies, and mentoring and training undergraduate and graduate students in the art and science of plant breeding.
About the University of Missouri Soybean Breeding Program
The University of Missouri-Soybean Breeding Program focuses on variety development and germplasm enhancement. The overall goal is to consistently provide Southeast Missouri and the Mid-South region of the United States with new and improved conventional and herbicide-tolerant varieties. We prioritize the development of maturity groups III-Late and IV-Late varieties, which exhibit a high yield potential, adaptability to different conditions, resistance to multiple diseases, tolerance to environmental stresses, and enhanced seed quality traits. Every year, we welcome interns from other countries to provide mentorship and enhance their knowledge in the field of soybean breeding.
About the Division of Agriculture
The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s mission is to strengthen agriculture, communities, and families by connecting trusted research to the adoption of best practices. Through the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Cooperative Extension Service, the Division of Agriculture conducts research and extension work within the nation’s historic land grant education system. The Division of Agriculture is one of 20 entities within the University of Arkansas System. It has offices in all 75 counties in Arkansas and faculty on five system campuses. The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution. If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate or need materials in another format, please contact Rafael Marmo or Francia Ravelombola as soon as possible.

The Guest House at Graceland
3600 Elvis Presley Blvd,
Memphis, TN 38116