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Quick Information

Dr. Han-Seok Seo, Professor and Director
2650 N Young Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704
Phone: 479-575-4778

Ms. Victoria Hogan, Lab Manager
2650 N. Young Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72704
Phone: 479-575-6826

Descriptive Analysis

A professional descriptive panel (10 members) has been on staff at the University of Arkansas since 1996. The panel has extensive experience in profiling food products for their appearance, aroma, flavor, and texture. Examples of products the panel is most familiar with include:

  • Dairy products including yogurt, cheese, and dairy-based drinks
  • Meat products including poultry and beef, further processed and not
  • Fruits and vegetables, including green and baked beans, and peaches
  • Beverages including fruit juices and dairy-based
  • Cereals including rice and breakfast bars
  • Other products including appetizers


Consumer Testing

We conduct consumer testing on demand and will recruit respondents according to your specifications, including product usage. Testing is usually in a laboratory setting but we also provide services for the central location and home-use testing. We recruit respondents from our databases (N=6,200) or through local televised or paper ads. We also have the ability to organize tests at multiple sites. The type of test we can organize is extremely flexible and include:

Acceptance and/or Preference
Use of various scales including hedonic, just right, intensity, purchase intent, etc.
Sequential Monadic or Monadic


Qualitative Test: Focus Groups

We conduct focus group discussions on demand and will recruit panels according to your specifications, including product usage. A video recording system and an observation room are used for focus groups. In addition, using a remote system, focus group discussion can be observed from different places and countries.


Consumer Behavior Analysis

We conduct consumer behavior analysis on demand using behavioral assessment tools. Research design can be flexible according to your specification.

The service center is a non-profit entity. As such, fees are based on costs associated with the staff and operation of the laboratory. Please contact Dr. Han-Seok Seo ( or Ms. Victoria Hogan ( about cost for services.

Join the Research

Research is not possible without individuals willing to try new products. Sign up using the link below to participate in food and non-food consumer product research. Not only will you be helping fuel new research, but you will be compensated for your effort.



To conduct basic and applied researches to better understand the roles of sensory aspects not only in food perception and acceptance but also in the quality of life.